Novel way to fix your PC and smart device
itFixBox is a new patented Finnish innovation. This innovation let’s repair shops to be set up anywhere. While devices are secured behind locked box, “nerd in a box” is remotely fixing it in record time.
How it works
At first you will see itFixBoxes in a local store or at workplace. There you will just fill in your order information, insert your PC or smart device inside the smart locker and secure the box. No one can get to your device until you open the door. When our tech pro is finished with your device, you will get a message and you can pick it up. It’s that simple!
There is literally nerd in a box here.
Thinking inside the box
How it works
Locate a store having itFixBox
2. While your device is secured in itFixBox our tech pro will fix it
3. Come back to store and pick up your working device!